Himalaya Report 3

Ran my heart out in the last stage today , a high pass through the Jungle near Majurbajung , just a short stage of 17 miles but the first six miles must have climbed over 5000 feet in a totally runnable set of switch backs , calves were on fire but i made it to the top , i paused for a few minutes to take in the last of the incredible mountain views before winding my way through the jungle to Marjabajung and the finish line , I felt pretty emotional in the last few miles but my legs just kept going and I crossed the line in fifth place … I was glad yet very sad that it was over …..

Crossing the finish line ..

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2 Responses to Himalaya Report 3

  1. TeganRunning says:

    Well done on crossing that finish line!

  2. Sel says:

    Well done pal, I knew you would do well yu torag. Your some man an inspiration to a lot of people, especially myself. Will catch up soon pal, again well done.

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